Like everything else, Valentine’s has gotten expensive, social media has raised the bar to impossibly twee heights, and retail’s penchant for cycling through shopping seasons months in advance means you better plan ahead, like several weeks ahead, because if you don’t, you aren’t likely to find any valentine options in the store. There’s a solution to this: easy DIY valentines for kids!
While we’ve all had Pinterest long enough to know by now that DIY doesn’t necessarily mean cheaper or easier, it CAN BE both if you choose the right DIY Valentines for you and your kid. And that’s the key here — don’t just let your kid stand in your presence while you do all the work — get them in on the fun, and once they get the hang of it, let them do the work! They’ll be proud of themselves, and you’ll be able to take a load off.
Wondering how your 7-year-old can pull off making 20 valentines? Well, here’s a whole list of easy and affordable DIY Valentines for Kids (some are edible) via Living on the Cheap.
Looking for more ways to save this Valentine’s Day? Check out these posts
Free and Cheap Kansas City Valentine’s Day Date Ideas
Cheap, But Not Cheesy Valentine’s Day Ideas
Valentine’s Restaurants and Food Deals in Kansas City
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