This Thursday through Saturday, April 20-22, 2017, the Quindaro Ruins will be open to the public for FREE tours.
The Quindaro Township was a riverport that was inhabited by African Americans, European Americans, and partial-blood Wyandotte Indians in the 1800s.
Quindaro’s location and anti-slavery sentiment made it a convenient stop on the Underground Railroad. Although at the time it was illegal to assist runaway slaves, Quindaro abolitionists risked their lives to help them escape from Missouri. The slaves were brought across the river on small boats or by ferry. They were then hidden in caves, barns, cellars, attics, and other places until they could be taken to the next station. In 1861, angry Missourians sank the ferry in an effort to stop the citizens of Quindaro from helping the slaves escape.
The tours will begin at noon each day near the John Brown statue at 27th Street and Sewell Avenue.
The town of Quindaro was abandoned in 1862 due to economic depression and the Civil War..