Does your dog have good manners? If not, perhaps a free dog training session will bring him or her around. K9 coaches from Gentle Dog Training are offering free one-one-one advice and a lesson on training techniques on Saturday, July 24, 2010 at 10:00 a.m.
The free dog training will be at Barkley Square in Park Place, 117th and Nall in Leawood, Kansas. Resistration’s not required. Your dog must be on a leash to participate.
FYI, the link to Gentle Dog Training isn’t working.
Thanks for the heads-up on this. Do you know whether they accept other species of pets? My cat thinks he’s a dog, walks on a leash, comes when called etc. and I’m interested in training him further.
I fixed the link. Thanks for letting me know. I probably ought to quit writing posts late at night. It doesn’t look like Gentle Dog Training trains cats. Several years ago, I would have said cats can’t be trained, but my daughter taught ours to come when she whistles. It sounds like you’ve had success training yours, too. I’m not sure where you’d go for additional training.